Wednesday 4 July 2012

Installing widget with Magento

Installing widget with Magento

Magento template, the new and popular template of online ecommerce has become one of the best template to use as the core of the website. It has all the necessary features to run as a professional web store that has every information that web owner need to publish in order to deliver the information and image to customers. With years of development, Magento has become a strong tool to use for any web owner, who does not have much time to learn about HTML coding or who wants to use the simple web management tool.

The Magento template now accepts users to install any custom themes. They can buy various themes from various source, then use it on their Magento template with just a few steps of installation. The process of install the theme is quite easy, which only consists of upload the files to the host.

Furthermore, Magento template also allows users to install widgets to make it more easy to use. When it comes to installing widget for the Magento template, the first thing is to look for the needed widget. There are several places that web owners can grab the Magento widgets, which improve the performance of their website. The widget can be installed directly with the Magento Connect version 2.0, however, in order to use the widget, the version of Magento must be at least 1.4, which is a popular version for Magento. In case if you do not have this version, simply download the new developer kit from Magento and replace it with the existing.

Similarly, installing the Magento widget is somehow just like installing the extensions. The steps are the same, except for the content. To install the widget, simply navigate the Magento Admin Area->System->Magento Connect->Magento Connect Manager, then continue to look for the Paste Extension key to install. In this part, just click on the Install button after logging in and you are done. The next step to do is to go to Magento Admin Area and choose CMS -> Pages to make the changes visible.

Now, in the web editor, select the Content menu and Insert Widget to insert the installed widget wherever you want.

So, the steps above are quite easy that everyone and do in order to install the Magento Widget. Mostly it only involves in CMS page, where the controls of the Magento are stored. You can always install multiple widgets on the same page, however, you should consider about how your website will look like. Too many widgets is not always a good idea.

In sum, I really hope this article has shown you the method of installing the Widget. Although it is quite easy to use, just in case if you have any problem, just scroll back and do these steps again. The Magento Template is easy to control, much easier than the hold HTML coding.