Saturday, 27 October 2012
EM Camara Magento Mobile Template
EM Camera Magento Theme for mobile is a new version for camera or technology e-shop by is specialized for small screen devices with smart and super convenient design. Maximizing convenience and comfort in the core concept of the theme.EM Camera Magento Theme mobile version is a great choice for your store to make it more and more popular.
Tested devices
* iPhone, iPod with iOS version 4+, 5+.
* Android phones.
* iPad with iOS 4+, 5+.
Demo: EM Camara Magento Mobile Template
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Magento One Step Checkout Extension
As you all know, we are working on magento development research for a better website performance. After a long time improving and testing, we would love to introduce you our brand new extension, One step check out. We believe that you will fall in love because it shortens all the cumbersome check out steps. With this, it saves massive time for them and you create a super convenient and fast environment for your customers to go online shopping. If you go to one step check out, you don’t have to process at least 5 steps of checking out, but only one with all necessary information requirement in one page.
For more information, please check the link below: Magento One Step Checkout Extension
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
[Tutorial] User guide for using Mobile Theme on Magento
1. To install the theme
Step 1 : Extract file and copy all files to your magento folder.
2. To create store
Go to System > Manage Stores
Create Store > Website: Main Website > Name: Xxxx (the name is up to you) > Root category: Root Catalog > Save Store.
3. To create store view for the "Xxxx"
Go to System > Manage Stores
• Name: English > Code: Aaaa (the name is up to you) > Status: enabled > Sort order: it is for sorting in backend, so you can number it up. > Save store view.
4. Config the “Xxxx” store
Go to System > Configuration
• From the "Current Configuration Scope" drop down (on the upper left hand side) select the "English" view under "Mobile Version" >
• Go to “General”, select Design > From Themes (on the right hand side) choose default as Iphone. > Save config.
5. Choose store mobile
Go to System > Configuration > Go to “General” > Expand “Content Management”> Choose XYZ (it is current package name) settings.
• Mobile store name: Aaaa (it must be similar to the “code” you did in number 3) > Mobile group store: Main website/ mobile version.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
EM Supermarket Magento Theme Mobile Version
Mobile devices is becoming more and more popular so that applications for this market is more and more important. EM Supermarket Theme mobile version is designed to satisfy the demand of mobile-optimized sites. Instead of heavy and powerful features in regular desktop themes, EM Theme for mobile is lighter and simpler. Although contains an easy to use admin panel, it still functions productively with useful options such as simple product slider and searching section. Blocks for promotion ads and featured products are aligned in order from top to bottom of layout to make mobile-customers surf easier.
Download EM Supermarket Magento Theme Mobile Version
Demo EM Supermarket Magento Theme Mobile Version
Speed Up Magento Store
If you are a magento theme user and not so happy of the current product, we are here to bring you to the next level of satisfaction. In order to improve the performance of the server, we would like to introduce Magento Speed Optimization which will help your server work stably and smoothly. For example, this service will make the recent server have a faster response and save the server resources. Moreover, this service has an ability of decreasing time in page loading and avoid the traffic in the server performance. All of the new awesome improvements will ensure customer 's experience more impressive and then hence conversion rates, boost your sales.
Customers always want to access to the website, use the search engine or do other steps such as purchasing or bidding with the highest processing speed without lagging or suddenly stops. A good server will help the website to work with a high level of flexibility and also the agility. In fact, the server optimization is not a simple work. It requires people to have a certain level of computing knowledge and also the understanding of the Magento hierarchy.
Download Speed Up Magento Store
EM Valis - Backpack Magento Theme for Magento released
Are there too many online shopping store and you want to make your backpack shop different and stand out? You will be pleased with out new theme, called EM Valis.
EM Valis has a classic and glossy screenshot and a sporty color which you can choose from selection of blue, green, pick, orange and red in the black and white background. Moreover, EM Valis is using the EM theme framework which provides you fully-functional e-shop and EM Valis also contains its own characteristics which differentiate theme from other shopping themes. With a powerful theme configuration, this theme allows you to control image's size and background as well as theme design. It is unrestricted to add, change and remove any section, block and column in layout, you are able to create a online store by your own easily. In order to boost your sales, add-on features are provided such as 20+ transition slideshow, quick product view in the light pop-up and review cloud zoom. Besides that, EM Valis brings to you a flexible Ajax shopping cart with drop down function and a simple one step check out.
These awesome features and functions above are combined with product widgets and customer blog function to make EM Valis theme the best choice for your business.
Download EM Valis - Backpack Magento Theme
Demo EM Valis - Backpack Magento Theme
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
EM Blog Magento Extension version 2.0 has been released
Magento Theme with blog is the most comfortable tool for you business. If you are satisfied with our Magento interface, you will love it even more with new EM Blog version 2.0. Customers can have more contributions to your posts, products, and business. Tree format, differentiated posts and related posts make blog much flexible and well-organized. Language translation is no more costing much time and effort. Moreover, anchor attribute, which is the most noteworthy feature of EM Blog 2.0, allows you too choose “anchor”. It means that, any posts related to “anchor” will be shown on the desired destination.
Link download: EM Blog Magento Extension Magento
Monday, 13 August 2012
EM Laconic - Laptop Magento Theme
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
A new Magento Go theme for Wedding store - EM MarryMe.
Our new Magento Go Theme for wedding shop, EM MarryMe, are now released. It goes for a fabulous luxurious, neat and clean interface. All the combination of colors and textures is to make sure that they are congruent with the main idea of the theme.
Extensions and modules development guarantees the theme is eyes catchy, easy to handle, and modify. Slideshow, drop-down menu, and feature tab are for well organized and categorized purpose. Follow the order, and what visitors have done are no more difficult with left vertical bar, which includes compare products, recent viewed products, and popular tag.
View Demo: View Demo Wedding Magento Go Theme
Download: Download Wedding Magento Go Theme
Friday, 27 July 2012
EM GameWorld - Responsive Magento Theme
EM Game World is a responsive and flexible Magento theme for game store. Modern, nice and impressive design for highlighting games purpose is especially simple and well-organized. Besides of catchy color mixing, template provides a clean layout and clearly structured appearance. All contents are stored in logically categories on the main drop-down menu.
Our EM GameWorld - Responsive Magento Theme now has mobile version. With this theme, it is more comfortable for the customers to shop it on their mobile. Notice that this version will not have any side effects on your current web version. Both of them will not exclude each other. Also, it is not only for this kind of store, but also multi-store can apply it.
Other recommended tabs are under the menu, such as great deals, or great offer, so it is a good way to access to the website’s core features easily. Moreover, the content and others features can be changed the content in the backend to customize the theme as desire.
One more noteworthy point is that besides of web version, we also offer mobile version, which is suitable for customers, using mobile phone to surf your store. It is compatible with many devices, such as pc, tablet, mobile, iphone, ipad, and anroid devices.
Powerful theme configuration
Our theme configuration allows you to edit various parameters such as product image sizes, product image background, theme background, number of product columns and more...
Image slideshow with 20+ transition effects
Image slideshow is developed as a magento widget allow you to insert and manage slideshow easily and extreme user-friendly. You can add image, description and link on the widget UI.
Mega Menu
With our mega menu feature, you can freely add custom content to the menu, you can add banner, video on the menu as well. Beside the freedom in content editing, it has ability to to pull out all categories dynamically with different styles.
If you disable the mega menu, the standard drop-down menu will automatically appear without extra work.
Quick Shop
Improve usibility of your store with our quick-view extension to allow customer to view product details without leaving the current page.
Customized product landing page
Improve the default magento product landing page with our custom product page with more useful info and a lot of rich features.
Image cloud zoom
Our image cloud-zoom effect allows to zoom-in product image just move mouse hover the image. With our improvement, it also works great on iphone/ipad and other tablet/cellphone devices.
All products image, product thumbnail size can be configured in the backend as you want. If your web store has different background layout, you can configure image background accordingly.
Drop down shopping cart ajax add to cart
Product labels
Our theme includes the product labels extension allows you to create and manage custom labels of products on your site. The rule of labels and icons are so powerful and unlimited. You can also create more rule to apply different labels such as sale off, bestseller, new products, featured products, products in certain categories or combine any or/any all of that.
Note that this product label extension if you buy seperately it costs you $39. With our themes you get it for FREE.
Custom product widgets
Our product widgets support unlimited ruleset, such as bestseller, new product, featured products, sale off products and more. Provide different templates such as slider, grid, list.
Extra footer
The footer of magento template is redesigned and added more content to provide your customers more helpful info about your store. Adding more links for SEO purpose. Not only that if you buy our magento blog extension you can display blog content here.
Highlight Features
-Homepage with images slideshow freely customize over 20 transition effects, timing and moving...
-Brands slider.
-New products on homepage.
-Extra space for promotion text, news, store info, links.
-All contents and extra features can be managed in the backend of your store
General Features
-Fully tested and works great with all modern web browsers: IE7+, Firefox 3+, Safari 5+, Chrome5+, Opera 10+, iPhone, iPad, iOS or Android devices
-Compressed javascript library to reduce the loading time.
-Well-structured and commented HTML & CSS for easy customization.
-Excellent user guide documentation to help you install and utilize the theme.
Sunday, 15 July 2012
EM SuperMarket - Mobile Devices Magento Theme

With the dynamic design, soft colors, EM Supermarket is really suitable for portable devices (mobile phone, laptop, camera, ...). The home page can display a lot of products but this do not make your customers become confused, they can easily classify the products and find useful information for them, because of the static blocks and product sliders are arranged very ingenious.
EM SuperMarket - Mobile Devices Magento Theme has not only unique design but it also is full of special features such as: quick shop, dropdown cart, clound zoom, ajaxt cart,image slideshow with over 20 effects and mega menu with many multiple columns styles, .....
Special, promotions, new products, best seller products are always quick update, this is really useful for your customers and your business. You can view detail here or check out demo here.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012
EM Interior Is A Furniture Magento Template
Monday, 9 July 2012
How to install a basic Magento Theme
The Magento Themes are provided by Emthemes which are very varied. You can easily find a topic like best, of course they are arranged in a logical sequence and their name can show their essence. Each topic will have some special features to be suitable with the purposes that the users expected. For example, the sliders display the hot topics such as what’s news, the best seller products or the most viewed, most popular products. These topics are usually the biggest concern of customers when shopping. On the other hand, the blur effect which makes the photos and banners become more interesting with the customers.
So, if you are finding a Magento Theme for your website or you want to change the themes of your website to enhance your business, Emthemes will always be ready to help you. You have wide range of selection that covers a lot of different topics that can meet almost all demand from the customers. Moreover, our service is very good that can help you if you have difficulties. For example, if you have any difficulty in using Magento Themes or you cannot install them, you can contact the customer service department to receive the help.
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Topics on
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Managing The Magento Orders
Thursday, 5 July 2012
How to install Magento extensions and modules
# set preferred stability for installed/upgraded packages (alpha,beta,stable):
./pear config-set preferred_state beta
# initial installation from downloader package:
./pear mage-setup .
./pear install magento-core/Mage_All_Latest
# install extension: (paste the extension key in front of ./pear install "Magento extension key"
./pear install magento-community/Your_Extension_Key
# list available upgrades
./pear list-upgrades
# upgrade a package
./pear upgrade magento-core/Mage_Package
# uninstall a package
./pear uninstall magento-community/Unwanted_Package
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Installing widget with Magento
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
How to manage and import product using the Magento template
Monday, 2 July 2012
How to setup a simple Magento website using Emthemes themes
Sunday, 1 July 2012
How to change the Logo and Copyright for any Magento theme
Friday, 15 June 2012
EM Possimus - Sport Shoes Magento Theme

You can easily see that EM Possimus - Sport Shoes Shop Magento Theme mainly use the product sliders. With these sliders, the home page of EM Possimus is very neat and these create a clean space for your store. However, your clients are still very happy when they can see more products, especially when the sliders display products by the hot topics (New Arrivals, Bestseller, most viewed, most popular). Customers can also know the product details at the quick shop button . With this support, the shopping would be convenient and gentle.

Besides, there are many other extensions, including the customer supports as cloudzoom, ajaxcart, dropdown shoppingcart ... , the management supports and the store decorating such as image slideshow, megamenu, .... or extensions to promote your business and close the gap with the customers tastes, as EM blog helps you create the information blog and you can exchange news with customers. And the most interesting thing is the five sub-themes with five separate colors and the impressive styles (Turquoise, Green, Brown, Orange, Purple). You'll be spoiled for choice and install the most appropriate theme for your products. Because of the utility, the compact structure, the beautiful design, the diversity styles, so EM Possimus is not only conform to the fashion shoes that it can fit all the other products.
You can view detail here or check out demo here.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012
EM TopGear - AutoParts Magento Theme

EM TopGear Magento Theme is a special topic with the unique design and the great functionalities. Indeed, you can easily be attracted to the design of EM TopGear. The combination of colors is very harmonious, the lay out is very nice and interesting. With four sub-themes of EM TopGear Magento Theme (Red style, blue style, orange style, yellow style) you get more experience and you can choose the style that is best suits for your products. Although this subject has the same structure but they have style with the different feeling. The differences of these styles are evident in the emphasis of the design, this is the buttons, the smart labels, the product price, and many images with the impressive color, therefore EM TopGear becomes more appealing and attractive.

A special thing of EM TopGear Magento Theme is in the arrangement. The products are shown very much on display through the static blocks, the tabs, the product slider. These product blocks are alternated with the ad banners, the images with over 20 transitions, so your store is not boring and it will attract more customers. Besides that, the important information such as the new products, the best seller products, the most popular product, the feature products will be fully updated at the home page of Magento template. This information will improve the shopping of your customers, and they will feel happy with the support functions such as quick shop, ajax add to cart, cloud zoom javascript effect, mega menu with many multiple columns styles.. , these functions are developed by our professional programmerst, they will shorten the distance of the customer with your products, especially with the EM Blog features you'll have an blog of yourself. Sure, these are what you want, so check it out and pick EM Top Gear Magento Theme for your online shop, it is not only suitable for mechanical products, car parts, but also the other products.
EM TopGear Magento Theme is very proud because the design and structure are professional. The convenience of you is perfect. in particular, you can customize the number of products on a row of any layout for catalog page.
You can view detail here or check out demo here.

Saturday, 21 April 2012
EM Ultraze - Laptop Magento Theme

With the expertise of the developers and the creativity of designers, EM Ultraze Magento Theme has full conditions of a perfect sales page. The advertising information, news and images are arranged alternately in the static blocks, so you can give customers a wealth of useful information. In addition, the preferential activity, the discount products, the hot products, the bestseller products, the featured products of your store are always updated quickly at the home page and the category pages of Magento template.

With Em Ultraze Magento Theme, you can easily see the ingenuity of the design. the product sliders are utilized everywhere, they are integrated in the tabs, so there are many products on display but space of Magento theme is neat and clean. Also, you can bring a lot of information to customers through the image slideshow, ad banners and the smart labels. This information will be attracting customers by impressive colors and nice effects. You and your customers can also easily exchange and contact with each other through EM Blog function. This is really unique and necessary for your online store.
EM Ultraze Magento Theme provides you with 6 sub-themes - 6 unique colors with 6 impressive faces (jade, blue, gray, green, orange, red) you will have more choices and more comprehensive view on this Magento subject. Along with the interesting colors, fancy design, compact structure, friendly interface, EM Ultraze Magento Theme is a perfect combination of Magento with our excellent extensions, including product images with cloud zoom javascript effect, Ajax Add product to Cart, the image slideshow with over 20 effects,... and more.
You can view detail here or check out demo here.

Friday, 20 April 2012
Released 4 great extensions for Magento template
The extensions include EM New Products, EM Bestseller, EM Feature Products, EM Sale Products.

EM New Products
You want to provide customers with the useful information and quick access to the shop information. Especially with the hot information products and incentives such as the new product, this is important news that any customer wants to know when shopping. The EM New Products extension offers customers fresh products of your store. It not only improves the ads effects, but it also shows with customers on the development and abundance of products.
EM Bestseller
The best-seller products are the useful information that your customers always look for. With this information, your customers will find a sense of security and trust to the products. The best-seller products also show the store's reputation, and your shop will build a credible image with customers. EM Bestseller can quickly filter data of all the products and show the best-seller products in an order that you choose.

EM Featured Products
With the Magento support, you can choose features to products. These features include Feature Products, Hot Products, Special Products. And EM Featured Products will help you set them upon each separate feature. It can search across all of your data or a few categories that you choose.
EM Sale Products
A special type of information to attract customers and it is the shortest bridge between you with potential customers. It is the discount news, now you can easily perform them and grouping them in your Magento store with EM Sale Products. This feature can show all the discount products, and they will attract a lot of customer interest.
Customers are always interested in the benefits when shopping, they always try to buy goods with best price, so the discount information are extremely useful, and you can quickly promote your products, improve sales, and control inventory.

With these extensions, you're not only get the more business benefits, it also supports up to manage and organize your store. You can easily install them with our support. The guides will give you the full installation way and usage, so you do not feel embarrassed. Moreover, this extension is very useful because you can screen the entire data store, you can also screen in a category page or a few category pages. Especially this information can be displayed at any position in the Magento Template. You can sort them by price, name, or number,… so you can comfortably decorate your store, and you can completely turn your online store into an attractive commercial address.